You may have read about or heard about; and you may even know a friend of a friend who has had an experience. Learning about something from an illegitimate source and continuing to spread the news is one surefire way to propagate and promote myths and misconceptions—just like those out there about the topic of air conditioning.

Myths and misconceptions about air conditioning?

Yes, that is right. Even HVAC topics are not safe from being connected to unreliable information, whether it be sourced online, in print, or by word of mouth.

After reading this article you should be more aware of the misconceptions related to air conditioning and the truth behind them.

Myth #1: Turning off the A/C when you aren’t at home saves energy.

FACT: The answer is actually the opposite of what many would think; turning off the air won’t necessarily save energy, because now it will take even more time and energy to get the space back to a comfortable cool after it’s been off all day in the middle of a steamy summer. If you leave it on, but at a higher temperature, such as 75 or 80 degrees, this is more advised than turning it off altogether. Trying to get the temperature down to 70 from 80 rather than from 95 is much more doable and easier on the system.

Myth #2: An A/C only cools the air.

FACT: Did you ever wonder where the “conditioner” portion comes from in the term “air conditioner?” Well, it does just that—conditions the air by removing humidity from your space. This keeps the area cool and dry and not cool and muggy, which would be pretty gross.

Myth #3: When needing to cool a room/home quickly, turn the A/C down low.

FACT: Air conditioners are smart and economical machines. They are made to last and if you use them correctly, should not cost you an arm and a leg. With that being said, they are specially created to cool a space down at a consistent rate until the thermostat reaches your desired temperature. Setting it at 55 when you really only need 68 isn’t going to save you any time and it will definitely not save you in energy costs.

Myth #4: Size doesn’t matter.

FACT: Sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn’t! In the air conditioner’s case…it does. If you live in a two bedroom apartment but move to a four bedroom, two-story house, your A/C units are going to be and need to be different. If your unit is too small for the space in which you live or work, it is going to work too hard to keep up and will eventually bust; and a system that is too large will probably just turn on and off…until it doesn’t any longer.

Myth #5: You can run your A/C until it quits for good—then upgrade.

FACT: It sounds like a good idea, right? You probably wouldn’t do this with a vehicle, and the same holds true with an A/C unit. If you wait until things get bad, you’ll be wasting money on a high energy bill due to a poor-running unit as well as maintenance fees. You might as well pay more up front and gain a newer and smarter A/C unit.

Myth #6: The location of the thermostat is not important.

FACT: Location, location, location. This matters just like size! You will want to install it, or make sure there is one installed, on an interior wall away from windows, skylights, direct sunlight throughout the day, or drafts. You don’t want your thermostat to think it is 85 in the home when it really isn’t just because a bit of sun touched it.

Myth #7: Regular maintenance isn’t really needed on an A/C unit.

FACT: Actually, servicing your A/C unit once a year is highly recommended. You don’t want to spend the big bucks when something drastic happens; you want to maintain the system and keep close eyes on things to make sure nothing drastic does happen.

Not everyone can know everything, which is why we have research, scientists, and professionals in their fields, so we can learn new and interesting things on a daily basis!

Dale Heating Cooling and Sheetmetal can certainly help you maintain your HVAC system to ensure optimal efficiency. Be sure to call them to set up an appointment!