During the spring and summer, many crank up their A/Cs to cool their homes. But, because of this excessive use, they can break. Here are a few tips to keep in mind to both prevent and repair the problem.

What Causes an A/C to Break?

Many things could wear down this device. Some include:

  • Old age
  • Extreme temperatures
  • Broken coils
  • Blocked filters
  • Ice build-up

Signs Your A/C is Broken

While your appliance might look normal, there could be some hidden signals that it’s not working well. Here are some to watch out for.

  • The device is making loud noises when it runs.
  • You smell musty odors when you turn it on.
  • Your home seems to have high humidity.
  • There is a temperature imbalance.

What To Do If It Malfunctions

If your A/C breaks, you’ll want to keep a few things in mind. The first is to immediately check the thermostat. Sometimes, this could change the settings and turn off your A/C. If you find that this isn’t the case, then you’ll want to do a couple more things before calling in a professional.

One is to examine the filter. If it’s blocked, the A/C might turn itself off to prevent overheating. You’ll also want to examine your circuit breaker to make sure it hasn’t tripped. If none of these options work it’s best to call an expert.

Tips For Maintaining Your A/C

To avoid these issues, you’ll want to make sure to maintain your device. Below are some tips to use.

Replace the Filter: As mentioned above, a clogged filter can block fresh air flow into the A/C. This not only disrupts your appliance but can send polluted air back into your home. You’ll want to check the filter every six months to ensure it’s still good. If not, replace it.

Remove Debris: Another thing to do is to get rid of any debris, like leaves and sticks, that might be around outdoor units. These might not seem problematic, but if they fall into its shell, they could cause issues.

Fix the Fins: The fins are what help the A/C evenly distribute air. If they’re bent, it can disturb this process. If you notice them slanting, use a sharp knife to prop them back in place.

A/Cs are durable, but they can break. If you’d like to have yours checked or fear that it might already be having some trouble, consider contacting Dale HCS in Sonoma County. Our team can examine your device and quickly fix any problems so your home can get back to being a comfortable place to be in.