You walk into your home and you’re met with an unexpected wave of heat. Knowing that you left your unit running, you’re wondering what the problem might be. It doesn’t take you long to figure out that your air conditioning has gone kaput. Even in mild climates like Santa Rosa, summer is not exactly the best time for this to happen. This is an obvious indication that your air conditioner needs repair, but there are some other warning signs that you might encounter when it’s time to call an HVAC professional.

Here are five other signs that your air conditioning unit needs repair.

  • A noisy unit – After having your unit for a while, you begin to recognize the sound of it switching on or off. It becomes a pretty common noise. However, if you notice a knocking or rattling sound coming from your AC unit, it usually means some component is loose, which could cause significant damage to your unit.
  • A leaky unit – Water that stands around your unit when there has been no rain is an indicator that it might be leaking. After cleaning up the potentially mold causing puddle, you should probably call a professional. A leak in your AC unit could cause it to freeze when the weather is colder.
  • Low or uncomfortable airflow – When your system is running and your home is not cooling down, you likely have a problem with airflow. You can check it by placing your hand close to a vent. If you don’t feel a substantial flow of air, you should contact the experts at Dale HCS to help you find the cause. If the air is warm, then there may be additional issues that need to be diagnosed as well.
  • Odd odors – Mold can form inside your air conditioner, and it usually carries a mildewed smell. There should be no odor coming from your AC unit, so if you are smelling odd or foul odors through your vents, it’s time to contact a heating and cooling professional.
  • Higher energy costs – If you notice that your energy bill is significantly higher than usual, even for the summer, it could be a sign that you need to have your unit repaired.

Final thoughts

An improperly installed HVAC unit can result in leaky air ducts or low airflow. Mold can cause musty or strange odors from your system, while mildew or other debris can cause a clogged condensate drain-pipe. If that happens, water will back up into the unit, creating a situation that leads to repair. Dirty air filters and evaporator coils can prevent the unit from functioning optimally. With all of the things that can impact the functionality of your AC unit and cost you additional money, you should be sure to contact Dale Heating Cooling and Sheetmetal to diagnose and correct any problems.