You had your entire HVAC system inspected as winter came to an end, and a comprehensive spring maintenance was performed. All systems were a go at that time, but something has happened since then. Perhaps extreme weather conditions caused damage to your outdoor system, or your indoor environment has changed to one which requires a new system for the benefit of a loved one’s health. For whatever reason, you are now faced with the dilemma of purchasing a new air conditioner and having it installed. As we enter the hottest days of summer, here are some tips on how to avoid making the wrong choice for your situation. After all, it’s not just another expense, it’s an investment.

Size matters

Make sure that you find out the size of the unit that will be best suited to cool your space. Some people make the mistake of thinking that the largest unit available will be best for ensuring the entire space is adequately cooled. Beware of this thinking because a unit that is too large for your space will result in energy loss and money down the drain.

Lowest price doesn’t mean best deal

Just because a product is priced low, that does not mean that the quality is necessarily low. However, you should always remember the adage, “You get what you pay for”. In the HVAC industry, you can generally trust that if the product is higher priced, then the quality can be expected to be higher as well. The reality is that you will likely save more money on a higher-priced unit that is dependable and requires minimal repair over time than on one that needs repair often.

Don’t replace one without the other

Both your indoor and outside parts of the system should be replaced if you decide to replace one or the other. Usually, both parts of the system are designed to work together. Replacing one without the other can result in you losing a ton of money on repairs, and you will probably end up replacing the second part anyway.

Experience is a plus

For the installation to be as seamless as possible, you want to make sure that your technician has the experience required to pull it off without a hitch. Seriously, make sure that you hire someone who is certified for the work you need performed. You will only end up spending more money in repairs and on energy bills if the work is shoddy. Don’t be afraid to ask about their certification.

Get an estimate up front

There is an old saying that goes, “If it isn’t in black and white, it didn’t happen”, or something to that effect. Always get an estimate of the total cost of parts, labor, and installation in writing before the work ever begins. Don’t be afraid to ask about what is or is not guaranteed or under warranty, and make sure you have that in writing as well. Be on the same page as your technician regarding the expected timeframe for completion of the work.

Final thoughts

If you’re in the market for a new HVAC system, it would be wise to consider the size of the space you plan to cool as it is related to the size of the unit you want. You should also be prepared to spend some money to get what you really need. Try not to think about it as a high-priced expense, but as a decades long investment instead. Don’t skimp on the replacement by getting only one part of the system changed. Finding the right technician to install your new unit is important, and Dale Heating Cooling and Sheetmetal can help with that. Our technicians are certified and experienced in giving you quality installation service and excellent customer service. Finally, because we know you want to get everything in writing, we are prepared to answer any questions you might have about the process. Give us a call today.