Finding the perfect A/C temperature can be difficult. Sometimes, it can make your home too warm. On the other hand, it could end up making it very chilly. This post will explore more about what an ideal temperature is and how you can keep your A/C in good working condition over the summer.

Is There an Ideal A/C Temperature?

The right A/C temperature will depend on your personal needs. However, on average, the best is 78℉. This not only keeps your home cool but prevents excessive strain on your device. This will stop it from overworking which could otherwise cause it to break.

But, if you find that this number is a bit too warm for you, slowly lower it. By doing so, you can carefully determine the right temperature without overwhelming your A/C.

Why Does the Temperature Keep Fluctuating?

During the summer, you might notice that the temperature changes. Sometimes this is done by the machine to help it automatically adjust to the surrounding environment. But, in some cases, it could also be due to a mechanical problem. It might also indicate that coolant is leaking out of the A/C making it unable to chill the air.

3 A/C Maintenance Tips

After setting your A/C to the right temperature you’ll want to make sure to maintain it. Here are a few things to keep in mind.

Change the Air Filter: This tool prevents particles from sneaking into your home when your A/C runs. This way, you’re only breathing in fresh air. If your filter is clogged, it could prevent the A/C from working correctly. Due to this, make sure to change the filter at least twice a year.

Seal Window and Door Cracks: If there are openings around your windows or doors it can invite outside air into your home. This differing temperature can confuse the A/C and make it work harder to cool your living space down. By caulking these cracks, you’ll easily stop this issue.

Keep it Clean: Always make sure to remove debris on or around your device. If you don’t, you risk it falling into the A/C which could cause its blades to get stuck. It could also unfasten wires and coils.

Keeping your A/C at the right temperature during the summer is crucial if you want your machine to stay in good condition. If you’re concerned about your A/C’s health or would just like a quick check over, contact Dale HCS in Santa Rosa. We’ll send out a professional to inspect and fix any problems that might be evident.