The last thing homeowners need during the winter is a broken heater. Unfortunately, this device can run into a few issues that could cause it to malfunction. Below are some frequent winter heating problems to watch out for.

5 Common Winter Heating Problems

A Strange Heating Cycle: Overusing your heater could cause it to alter its natural cycle. This could make it difficult for the heater to maintain a consistent heating schedule or it might not turn on at all. Known as short cycling, it’s mainly caused by clogged filters that can prevent proper air flow. The heater will overwhelm itself trying to get hot air through a blocked filter and eventually turn itself off to prevent overheating.

Fluctuating Temperatures: Another problem to watch out for is fluctuating temperatures. If you turn your heater on, it should automatically emit heat to all the rooms it’s connected to. However, if there’s an issue with the heater, it will prevent the device from sending adequate warmth into the rooms. It might also blow cold air.

Carbon Monoxide Leaks: A common yet dangerous problem of heaters is carbon monoxide leaks. Most of the time, these leaks are the result of poorly maintained or old heating systems. This invisible toxic gas will escape through the heat exchanger spreading into the air.

Broken Thermostat: A thermostat connects to your heater. If it breaks, it will disconnect from the heater. This will prevent you from adjusting the temperature or turning the heater on and off. You can usually tell if your thermostat is starting to malfunction if it makes loud buzzing sounds when you turn it on or if there are temperature inconsistencies.

Poor Weatherization: If your heater is situated near a drafty window or door it will allow the heat to escape outdoors while ushering in cold air. In addition to this, if the heater is poorly insulated, extreme temperatures could cause it to overwork and eventually break.

How to Keep Your Heater Healthy

There are a handful of ways you can prevent the problems above. Some of these include:

  • Making sure to consistently change filters
  • Checking your thermostat to ensure it’s working correctly
  • Sealing areas around your heater
  • Getting professional inspections

Hey Sonoma County, it’s important to ensure your heater is in good working condition so it keeps you warm. If you’re concerned your heater might be malfunctioning or just want to give it a check-up, contact Dale HCS. We’ll send a team out to inspect the device and fix any issues that might arise.