While calling for HVAC maintenance doesn’t really seem like a priority now, it quickly becomes a priority when you don’t have air or heat.

Any HVAC technician will tell you that keeping up with cleaning and maintenance of your system is the key to avoiding those emergency situations.

Unfortunately, emergency situations often cost a lot more for repair or replacement when you have no other choice.

Just how often should you call for maintenance of your HVAC system?

What is HVAC Maintenance?

You wouldn’t drive your car without ever cleaning it or changing the oil, right? Think of your HVAC system the same way.

In order for all the many moving parts to work properly and efficiently, regularly scheduled maintenance is important.

Most local HVAC companies offer maintenance packages for a reasonable monthly fee. You’ll get notified when it’s time for maintenance by phone, email or text, taking the responsibility for remembering to schedule maintenance completely off your shoulders.

What Happens During Routine Maintenance?

In most cases, routine maintenance includes a thorough inspection, cleaning, testing, and adjusting of controls for maximum efficiency.

The technician will also change your furnace air filter for you, check the thermostat and change batteries if needed. 

Also identified during a routine inspection are components that may be wearing out or need replacement to avoid damage to your system or a complete shut down in the near future.

The technician points out any areas of concern and makes recommendations as to replacement parts and the general condition of your system.

Call for Maintenance Before Seasonal Changes

Spring and fall are the best times to call for maintenance. This gives you the peace of mind that the system has been cleaned and checked before seasonal weather changes.

Calling in the spring or fall is better since the hotter and cooler months are when most HVAC companies struggle to keep up with service calls. By calling ahead, you can typically get on the schedule for service without delay and be prepared for weather changes before they hit.

At a minimum, your HVAC unit in Sonoma County should be checked by a professional technician once a year. Preferably, the AC unit should be checked each spring and each fall for your furnace.