Air conditioners not only help to keep you cool during the warmer months of the year, but help clean the air inside your home. Because of this, it’s important to keep your A/C running smoothly during the hot summer months. Below are four simple tips that you can start using today.

Four Ways to Keep Your Air Conditioner in Great Condition

  1. Keep Windows Closed. When you keep your windows open during the summer you invite hot air inside. This can overwhelm your air conditioner because it’s trying to filter through all the different air temperatures. Eventually, this could cause it to break. It’s a good idea to keep your windows closed when running it, especially on hot and humid days.
  2. Check the Air Conditioner’s Filters. Another way to keep your air conditioner in good working condition is to check its filters. These filters collect allergens, dirt, and other particles that you would otherwise breathe in. If you find that they look dirty or clogged, it’s best to remove them. You should change the air conditioner’s filters about once a month when using inexpensive filters. If you use durable pleated filters this can be done every six months.
  3. Add a Timer. Sometimes homeowners during hot Santa Rosa, CA days can overwork their air conditioner which not only leads to high energy bills, but can make it hard for the device to run well. You can connect a timer to it to run for a certain amount of time before it automatically turns itself off. Sometimes these timers can sync to a mobile device so you can instantly check and change their settings.
  4. Watch How Often You Change the Thermostat. One important thing to keep in mind if you want your air conditioner to work well is to watch how often you adjust its thermostat. Constantly adjusting the temperature will require the unit to use a lot of energy. If you do so, it could cause your air conditioner to not function correctly because you keep changing its settings. Because of this, it’s ideal to keep the thermostat at one temperature and only adjust it if absolutely necessary.

Air conditioners are helpful devices to have during the summer. However, you need to make sure that they are in good working condition so they keep you cool throughout the hot summer months. Dale HSC can help with ensuring your air conditioner is ready for the season by doing maintenance checks or suggesting some ways you can keep your unit running well.