As cold weather arrives, homeowners will start to turn their heaters up to stay warm. However, keeping a heater on can be pricey. This article will explore a few ways you can conserve heat to keep costs down.

5 Ways to Conserve Heat During the Fall

  • Seal Drafts: Drafts allow heat to escape and could usher in cold air. This could overwhelm your heating system because it’s trying to blow new warm air into your home while removing large amounts of cold air. Some of the most common areas that tend to have drafts include windows, attics, and doors. If you find an opening, you can use weatherstripping or caulking to seal it.
  • Keep the Thermostat Below 68 Degrees: By adjusting your thermostat to run below 68 degrees, it will not only help your HVAC work better, but it can save you money. This temperature prevents the HVAC from overworking which results in your home getting warmer air faster but without it using extra energy. Because of this, you’ll notice that your electric bill will decrease significantly.
  • Use Your Windows: Your windows can invite warm sunlight to flood your home which will naturally heat it. When the rays hit your windows, they will heat them creating energy that can warm your home. All you need to do is keep your windows open. Once you’ve let sunlight shine into your living space for a few hours, close the shades. This will trap the warm air so it stays in the room.
  • Reverse Your Ceiling Fans: Another way to help conserve heat during the fall is to reserve the direction of your ceiling fans. When ceiling fans run, they normally do so in a counterclockwise direction. This allows cool air to flow through your home. However, during the fall, you want warm air to circulate. By reversing this direction, it will help warm air circulate through a room.
  • Replace Air Filters: Replacing air filters can also stop heat from escaping. This will prevent them from getting clogged which could result in fluctuating air temperatures. In fact, it’s believed that by changing out your air filters every month, it can lower your energy usage by 15%.

Conserving heat is important as it prevents cold air from sneaking in and from your heating bill skyrocketing. If you’re concerned you might have a heating issue, Dale HCS can help. We offer services in Sonoma County that work to quickly fix heating concerns and can install a new heating system if necessary.