You may know that exhaust fans work to dry up extra humidity after a shower. But what you may not know is how exhaust fans can actually improve the air quality throughout your home.

While bathrooms and kitchens are the most popular places to find exhaust fans, there are also whole home exhaust systems to ramp up better air quality throughout your home.

Exhaust Fan Basics

Exhaust fans are key to extracting both moist air and odors from living spaces in your home. They work by engaging a fan that pulls excess humidity and pollutants from the air, allowing fresh, clean air to take its place.

Exhaust fans are a form of ventilation which is why they work well to eliminate fumes and pollutants that are unhealthy to breathe in.

When the fan is turned on, the motor turns the blades which pull polluted air from the space and vents it to the exterior. From there, the stale, humid or polluted air exits your home through the exhaust vent.

Exhaust Fan Benefits

Aside from drying up wet spaces and eliminating odors, there are even more benefits to exhaust fans.

  • Living spaces that become uncomfortably hot from showering or cooking cool down faster by turning on an exhaust fan.
  • Exhaust fans help prevent damage that excess moisture and humidity can potentially cause to your home. Excess humidity and moisture encourages mold growth. Mold can start growing within hours if walls, ceiling showers, tile or grout is not dried. If left to grow, mold spreads and eats away at the very structural components of your home.
  • By removing odor-filled, stale, or contaminated air, it can be replaced by fresh conditioned air. This improves air quality and makes your living spaces more pleasant and comfortable. It also makes for easier breathing for those with compromised immune systems or upper respiratory issues.

Exhaust Fan Installation

While exhaust fans are commonly found above kitchen stoves and in bathroom ceilings, they can also be mounted on exterior bathroom and kitchen walls.

Exhaust systems can also be incorporated into your HVAC system to provide even better whole home ventilation and air quality.


Exhaust fans give homeowners better air quality and dry, fresh-smelling spaces. They help regulate temperatures and certainly provide additional comfort.

For more information on exhaust fans, maintenance, or installation, contact the HVAC experts at Dale HCS in Santa Rosa.