A highly efficient AC system not only keeps you comfortable as temperatures heat up outside, but also saves you money on energy bills.

You can be comfortable and save money by taking advantage of our insider tips.

Inefficient AC Signs

If you notice any signs that your AC is not running as energy and cost efficient as it should be, call for an HVAC inspection.

Here are the telltale signs:

  • Higher utility bills
  • Frequent cycling (kicking in frequently)
  • Ice forming on the unit
  • Excessive dirt/dust throughout home
  • Noises
  • Odors

In the meantime, try these fixes to improve AC efficiency.

Close Doors and Windows, Leave Vents Open

There’s nothing like opening up the house to enjoy that fresh spring and summer air. But when you do, you’ve inviting heat and humidity inside. Your AC system has to run longer and harder to cool down that heat and dry up humid conditions.

If you spend more time in certain areas of the home more than others, close interior doors to those rooms. Your AC will deliver cool air to the open spaces versus having to run extra hard to cool down the entire house. A zoned HVAC system works well for this job.

Avoid the temptation to close vents in less used rooms. Closing vents throws off the balance of airflow loads calculated for your home.

Keep the AC Running

You may turn off your AC as you leave home thinking it will save you money on your energy bill. However, when your home heats up all day with no relief, it takes a lot more energy to start from scratch to cool down a very hot and humid home.

Setting your AC temperature to run at about 75 degrees all day long will save you energy and money in the long run. When you arrive home, adjust the cooling temperature.

Another plus is that it won’t feel like you’re walking into an oven when you step inside your home at the end of the workday.

Keep Thermostat Away from Heat Sources

If your thermostat is located in a particularly hot area of your home, it makes a difference in AC efficiency.

A heat-generating lamp, appliance or simple sunny window can throw off the inside temperature. When the thermostat senses that extra heat, it fools the thermostat into miscalculating the actual temperature in the home. It then signals the AC to work harder to cool the home down.

Also try to minimize use of your oven and dryer on really hot days because as the house heats up, the AC will kick in and work harder to cool down this extra heat.

Shut Out the Sun

Keeping doors and windows covered with closed blinds and/or thick curtains helps keep the heat from shining through windows, getting inside, and heating up the home.


It’s always a good idea to reach out to a professional HVAC company for a complete inspection and/or maintenance of your HVAC system at least once a year.

If you’re in the market for a zoned system or your existing HVAC system needs a check-up, don’t hesitate to call the experts at Dale HCS in Santa Rosa.