You may or may not be up-to-date on the latest and greatest innovative technologies when it comes to your home. Maybe you always get the newest Apple or Amazon product to entertain or help you to organize your hectic life. You have the biggest and most sleek-looking smart TV in the neighborhood and all the gaming consoles—Sunday football is most definitely being hosted at your house. Almost every aspect of your life is connected to Wifi and Bluetooth so that you and your family can access anything and everything.

But what about your HVAC system? 

HVAC probably isn’t the first thing that comes to mind when you are thinking about new home innovations and technology, but don’t be too quick to skip past it. There are quite a few neat additions out there right now that can help save you time and money, bring individualized comfort to your home, and that are kinder to our earth. 

Let’s take a look at some that are out there right now or are in the works of becoming more widely available: 

  • Movement Activated Air Conditioning: This is an energy saver in that the A/C will only turn on in rooms where movement is sensed. 
  • Thermally Driven Air Conditioner: This technology is not only cost-saving but also more environmentally friendly, as it uses solar energy and is supplemented by natural gas.
  • Smart Home Devices for Heating and Cooling: Many systems now can run off of a smart device which can be connected to your phone or an app on a tablet. You can control the temperature, set timers if you’ll be away, and even get notified if there is an issue.
  • Variable-Speed Fans: With this new HVAC technology, the fans run at slower speeds on cooler days and faster speeds on warmer days, which in turn decreases the amount of energy used and money spent.
  • Ice-Powered Air Conditioning: Even though this is not available nationwide just yet, there is a company called Ice Energy out of California, who created a product called Ice Bear, which is able to use ice to cool down a building, while decreasing energy usage by 95%. 
  • On Command” Hot Water Recirculator: This technology will save both energy and water. “When activated, it allows the cool water being drained to circulate back to the water heater through the cold water line, allowing hot water to be delivered at any time 24 hours a day.”

With the increasing amount of incredible technological innovations that we have in the world today, it is not surprising that there are quite a few new additions to the HVAC world. With the talk of climate change on the rise, even greener technologies are being introduced to save us both money and save the earth a headache. Some of these are worth checking out if you are interested in saving a buck or two long-term and keeping up with the Joneses. 

If you become interested in inquiring about new HVAC technologies for your home or need a repair on an existing one, do not hesitate to contact Dale Heating Cooling and Sheetmetal, who have been proudly serving Sonoma and the surrounding areas since 1989.