Throughout the year various types of severe weather will occur. Because of this, it’s important to make sure your HVAC system is ready to deal with it. Below you’ll discover five ways you can prep it.

How Does Severe Weather Damage HVACs?

Severe weather can cause significant damage to HVAC systems. For instance, high winds can cause branches and other debris to crash into it. Sudden cold weather can also freeze pipes and coils and cause them to crack.

5 Ways to Prepare Your HVAC for Bad Weather

  • Turn it Off: If you know that your area is about to experience severe weather, it might be good to turn the HVAC off until it has passed. Sometimes adverse weather can cause power surges that confuse the HVAC and make it turn on and off quickly. This can damage the device because this constant on and off can burn the circuits.
  • Make Sure it’s Secured to the Ground: Sometimes wind can be so strong that it can blow your HVAC off the ground. Because of this, it’s ideal to make sure it’s secured to the ground, ideally on a concrete base. You can also attach it to an outdoor wall.
  • Use a Surge Protector: A surge protector automatically senses voltage increases and will turn your HVAC off when it does. This can be very helpful to have if you’re unable to turn the HVAC off yourself or don’t realize that there are dangerous power surges.
  • Wrap it in a Tarp: Another way to prep your HVAC for bad weather is to wrap it in a tarp. The tarp will protect the system from rocks, limbs, and other debris that might damage its exterior. It will also keep small shards from being blown into crevices and getting lodged into its motor or coils. Make sure to tie the tarp to the device or you risk it flying away.
  • Keep Items Away From the Area: You’ll also want to make sure to remove any items, like garden tools or yard furniture, that are near your HVAC system. This way, when a storm comes through these articles won’t get blown into it. You should also trim any limbs that might hang over the HVAC. By doing so, you’ll prevent them from cracking and falling on it.

Extreme weather can strike during any time of the year in Sonoma County and it’s important that your HVAC is ready for it. Dale HSC can help by doing inspections, installing surge protectors, and offering helpful ways you can keep your system safe.