As fall arrives, so does chilly weather. Most homes feature a heat pump to keep things comfortable. But, it’s important to ensure that this device is ready for the season. Below you’ll learn more about why this process is crucial and a few ways to ensure it’s prepped.

Why Should You Prepare Your Heat Pump for Fall?

You need to prep your heat pump to confirm it will work correctly for the season. If parts have corroded over the past few months or if there is leakage, it will be difficult for the pump to work efficiently. If you don’t catch these issues in time, it could result in the heat pump breaking. This not only will make your living space cold, but the repair can sometimes be pricey.

3 Ways to Get it Ready

Check the Thermostat: One way to make certain the heat pump is ready for the fall season is to inspect your home’s thermostat. This controls the heat pump’s temperature. You’ll want to turn the heat on and adjust the temperature to around 60℉. After doing so, you should hear a click. This indicates that the heat pump has received the new information and is working to match it. Wait a few minutes and then check that the heat pump and thermostat are synced. If not, you’ll need to have an expert fix it.

Replace the Filters: Heat pump filters keep particles away from this device so it functions properly. Over time though, they can get clogged. This could lead to some sneaking into the pump causing it to push contaminated air. Because of this, make sure to change the filters once every three months. You might also want to wipe around the filter’s edges every week.

Clean Around It: You’ll also want to clear the space around the heat pump from dust, leaves, and other debris. This will keep the area spotless and prevent them from potentially damaging the device. You’ll also want to ensure that rugs and furniture aren’t blocking the attached vents. This could cause any warm air to get stuck in the ductwork and block the heat pump.

Getting your heat pump ready for fall is vital if you want your home to stay warm. If you’d like an expert to inspect it, feel free to contact Dale HCS in Sonoma County. We’ll send our professionals out to check and fix any issues so your heat pump stays in good condition.