There’s nothing more disappointing than coming home to or spending time in a home that never seems to cool down.

Find out what may be causing your home to feel hotter than it should.

Dirty or Clogged Air Filter

An air filter that’s filled with dirt, dust, and other debris cannot supply the adequate airflow your AC unit needs to keep the house as cool as can be.

Your HVAC system not only has to work harder to keep the house cool, but wastes energy and runs longer and harder to do so.

Change the filter if it’s overdo and make it a habit to change every 2-3 months.

Glaring Sun

While it’s great to open up those blinds or curtains each day to let the sunshine in, the sun’s intense UV rays glaring in through the windows can really heat up your home.

If the sun is beating down on your home and through windows, especially between the hours of 12:00 to 3:00 P.M. when the sun is strongest, you’ll definitely notice warmer temperatures inside your home.

Keep your home cooler by closing your blinds or curtains to block out the sweltering sun.

Running Appliances

You might not even think about running less obvious appliances in the heat, but running the dishwasher, washer, and dryer creates heat and raises moisture and humidity levels in your home. Higher humidity levels make your home feel hot.

Reduce the amount of time you run heat-inducing appliances, including the obvious heat generators like the oven and stove top, or run them during the cooler nighttime hours.


Taking a bath or shower and not running the exhaust fans to dry up the extra moisture and humidity also makes not just the bathroom feel hotter, but your entire home.

Take advantage of your bath exhaust fans after each bath or shower to lower humidity levels and keep your home cooler.

Light Bulbs

Who knew? Yes, using incandescent bulbs instead of LED bulbs makes a difference in keeping the air cooler in your home.

Make the energy efficient switch to LED bulbs.


If after doing all the little extra things you can to help keep your home cooler and it still feels hot, reach out to the HVAC experts at Dale HCS in Santa Rosa.

It’s always a good idea to call in HVAC professionals to make sure there’s not a problem with your AC, in addition to inspecting and replacing failing or faulty parts.