We all strive for the best ways to save energy, money, and stay comfortable in our homes. One of the biggest ways homeowners do this is by investing in a solid HVAC system.

How can you be sure your HVAC delivers?

Here are ways to know for sure that your HVAC system is energy efficient.

Energy Bills

You know you’re doing something right when at the end of the month, your energy bill doesn’t send shockwaves through your body.

An energy efficient HVAC system makes the most of the energy required to operate, while keeping humidity levels in check and temperatures comfortable, all without breaking the bank.

If you notice a spike in your energy bill, take a look at your energy usage as detailed on your monthly statement.

If the usage looks high, it may be time to call for an HVAC inspection and tune-up to make sure there’s not an undetected problem with your system.


You can tell your HVAC system is in good working order by these telltale signs:

  • Thermostat accurately controls the temperature
  • System is not kicking in too often or not often enough
  • No knocks, bangs, or other unfamiliar noises
  • Minimal dust throughout the home
  • No burning or other noticeable odors
  • Temperatures are even and steadily comfortable throughout the home

Meets Standards of Energy Efficiency Ratings

The biggest way to tell if you have an energy efficiency HVAC system is if it meets required efficiency ratings.

If your system has a verified Energy Star certification, you know you’ve got a highly energy efficient system.

Typically, Energy Star HVAC systems should meet or exceed these minimal requirements:

  • Heating systems with an AFUE (Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency) rating of at least 85% for oil furnaces, 90% for gas furnaces
  • Cooling system with a SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) rating of at least 14

The higher the rating, the more energy efficient your HVAC system.

If your HVAC system is over 10 years old, beginning to experience part failures, and needs frequent repairs, it’s a good bet that your home is not equipped with the most energy efficient system.


Knowing you have a highly energy efficient HVAC system gives you the confidence that comes with saving money, helping the environment, and staying healthy and comfortable.

For recommendations on the most energy efficient HVAC systems available today, or repairs to your existing system, call the experienced professionals at Dale HCS in Santa Rosa.