As temperatures heat up, most people look to their air conditioning to provide relief from the heat.

If you notice unpleasant odors permeating throughout your home after you turn on the AC, here’s what it could mean.

Musty Smell

A musty smell is a sure sign of mold. This smell points to a dirty evaporator coil or excess moisture in a drainage line which is full of mold or bacteria which will lead to mold.

Unresolved moisture problems in your home can also result in a musty smell. Once turned on, the AC unit circulates this musty, moisture filled air throughout your home.

Call in a professional to service the AC unit. They will change the air filter, clean the evaporator coil and give the unit a good cleaning to include draining any standing water in the drainage lines.

Vinegar or Ammonia Smell

If your air smells like mildew, ammonia or strong vinegar, it could be due to excessive bacteria or mold growing in the AC unit.

It could also be due to a dirty filter, too much moisture standing in the unit or a clogged drain line.

If after changing the filter you don’t notice much of a difference in the odor, call for service.

Burning Smell

If you smell burning plastic or overall odor of something burning, it indicates an AC operating issue. It could be electrical, a broken motor part or fan belt.

For a burning smell, don’t wait to call for service.

Chemical Smell

If you notice a strong sweet or obvious chemical odor similar to a strong solvent, it’s a sign that your AC unit may be leaking refrigerant.

On top of the smell, if your AC unit:

  • AC struggling to cool the house down
  • Makes hissing or unusual sounds
  • Ice crystals forming in the unit
  • Noticeable increase in your energy bill

These are all signs that point to a refrigerant leak and a call for service is necessary.

Gas Smell

Odds are there’s nothing wrong with your AC unit, but there is a gas leak somewhere in your home. Anytime you smell the giveaway “rotten egg” smell, it’s a gas leak.

To avoid harm, turn off the gas, call the gas company, open some windows and leave the house until the issue can be properly investigated.


When you turn on your air conditioner for comfort from the heat, you shouldn’t have to deal with stinky air to stay cool.

Before the sweltering heat hits, call Dale HCS in in Santa Rosa for a complete inspection and cleaning of your AC unit.