As summer begins to wind down, it’s important to make sure your heater is ready for the cool months ahead. But, it’s vital that you have it professionally inspected before turning it on so you know everything is working correctly. Below you’ll discover a few things an expert looks for during the check-up.

5 Things a Specialist Looks at During a Heater Inspection

The Ventilation: One of the first aspects a technician will investigate is the system’s vents. This component ensures there’s proper air flow and that toxins don’t get mixed into it. If the vents are clogged, it will make it more difficult for the heater to function. Most of the time, the technician will replace the vents regardless if they’re clean or not just to stay safe.

If Things are Sealed: A heating system expert will also check that all openings and systems are correctly sealed, especially around the blower. If there are cracks or holes, this could hinder air flow. Sometimes, the hot air could warp pieces and cause them to crack. It can also lead to a gas leak which could be fatal. Because of this, the technician will do a close survey of the device and quickly fill any gaps.

The Thermostat: Your heater often connects to a thermostat. If there is a lack of communication between the two, the heater won’t produce enough warm air. This could also indicate that the thermostat needs to be repaired or replaced. An expert will check the thermostat to make sure that everything is communicating as it should.

The Manifold Pressure: This component measures the heater’s gas pressure as it’s being sent to connected valves. If it’s too low, your heater might not produce enough heat. On the other hand, if it’s too high, you risk the system overheating. During the inspection, the expert will probe around to see if the pressure ranges around 3.2″WC-3.7”WC.

The Flame Sensor: A flame sensor ensures that the gas being produced by the heater is going straight into the device and not escaping into nearby vents. This safety tool also produces electricity for the heater which controls how much gas is emitted into it. A technician will test the flame sensor to verify that this piece is functioning correctly.

There are countless things an expert will examine during a heater inspection. This way, you can rest assured that your system is in good condition. If you’d like to confirm that your heating system is functioning properly, contact Dale HCS in Santa Rosa, CA. Our team will be happy to make certain that your heater is ready for the chilly months ahead.