You already know the importance of breathing clean air. Whether your space is a woodworking workshop generating loads of chips and dust, a garage kicking all sorts of materials and exhaust into the air, or a fabrication/manufacturing application, air filtration is important to ensure the health and safety of anyone working in or around these facilities.

Here are some of the basic components and considerations to make when you are thinking about how to move and filter the air in your space. If you’re not sure the what the best solution is for your needs, talking to a licensed professional about your options and needs is a good place to start.

What is Air Filtration?

An air filtration system consists basically of a method for collecting air in a space, a method for cleaning or filtering that air, and then a method for dispersing it back into the space. Different rooms and purposes are going to have different filtration needs. A workshop space with tools that generate lots of dust is going to need a dust collection system, in addition to an air filtration system capable of moving lots of air quickly. It’s also going to need a several-cycle filtration and collection unit where dust particles can be gathered and removed from the area.

Filters can be constructed DIY or purchased and installed. To best outfit your space you’re typically going to need some custom fabrication work on the ducts you’ll need. The custom fabricators at Dale HCS can help ensure you have the right material for your project, that will work with the equipment you want to use. They will also help you choose the right equipment based on the area and space you are working with. Depending on the room and the level of filtration you need, there is a lot of different types of equipment available, across a variety of price ranges. The technology in this space has advanced enough that you can rest assured your system will work properly.

Let Dale HCS help you get it right the first time. Dale offers custom fabrication solutions that will fit whatever your space and area requirements might be. They can provide insight and recommendations into the best products and equipment you’ll need to make sure it all runs smoothly and properly.

Call today, 707-526-5709 and let’s chat about the space you need to filter.