Every so often, we like to address frequently asked questions and comments from our customers or to provide information to anyone searching for HVAC questions on-line.

Here are the answers that bust some common HVAC myths.

  1. Is routine maintenance of my HVAC system really necessary?
  2. Routine HVAC maintenance, much like routine car maintenance, is important. At least once a year, or even better, a check of the AC unit in spring and the furnace in fall can save you a lot of headaches and money for emergency service calls. 

Routine maintenance keeps your HVAC clean, running at optimal efficiency and helps prevent costly emergency repairs.

  1. Will an energy efficient HVAC system automatically save me big bucks on my energy bills?
  2. Certainly, a newer, more energy efficient HVAC system will save money on your energy bills. However, unless the system is sized, configured specifically for the layout of your home, and professionally installed, it won’t save you money at all.
  3. Does closing vents in rarely used rooms save money on my energy bill?
  4. This myth is busted. Closing vents in any rooms actually costs you more money because it’s going to affect the way conditioned air is circulated throughout your home. This throws your HVAC system off balance and it will work harder to try and keep consistent temperatures throughout the entire home.
  5. Should you leave the heat or air running when not at home to save the money and energy to fire it back up upon your return?
  6. Every time you run your HVAC system, it uses energy and costs you money. The HVAC system should be turned off completely or set to run infrequently when no one is home. 

The best solution in this case would be to invest in a programmable thermostat. The thermostat can be programmed to automatically adjust the temperature upon waking, going to sleep and when leaving or returning home for the day.

  1. The location of my thermostat doesn’t affect my HVAC system, right?
  2. Actually, the location of the thermostat does matter. If the thermostat is located near a sunny, hot window or a heater, the reading will be inaccurate. It’s better to place your thermostat in a consistently temperate room, away from extremely hot or cold conditions.
  3. Instead of replacing ducts, can I use duct tape for repairs?
  4. Duct tape might help seal up your ductwork temporarily until an HVAC technician is called in to inspect the damage. However, duct tape is not a permanent solution. 

Additionally, duct work doesn’t work well on dirty, dusty surfaces for long and ducts are both dirty and dusty.


We hope our answers were helpful to these common myths and questions about your HVAC system.

If you ever have questions or concerns about parts, service, or anything HVAC, don’t hesitate to call Dale HCS in Santa Rosa, CA for the answers and of course, to schedule that routine maintenance.