Each season brings with it different HVAC and heating system concerns. What are the most important HVAC and/or heating system maintenance items to do, as we head into the Fall and Winter seasons? You’re likely to get a lot of different suggestions online. We pulled together a quick list of the top items to address and consider.

These are some of the popular fall maintenance routines to think about this season. If you have any questions or concerns about any of them, make sure you reach out to a pro at Dale’s to have us walk you through any of these suggestions.

These aren’t presented in any order – each of these is equally important.

Leaves. Leaves are a huge hassle nobody really likes to deal with. Whether you remove them from your yard or not, it’s likely you’ll eventually find leaf build-up in your gutters and your home systems – including your HVAC unit. Make sure to keep these areas clear of leaf debris and buildup.

Dirty air filters. This is probably the easiest fix and is usually the number one culprit of problems with an AC unit, especially around the change of seasons.

Outlets and intake. Inside your home, clean your vent outlets and air intakes, where possible and where you can do so safely. This will help a little bit with system efficiency and reduce the buildup on the air filter further downstream.

Check your temperature settings. Make sure you know where your temperature settings are set as the weather changes and your system needs are modified. In cooler months you’ll want the temperature a bit lower than in warmer months. Make sure you’re checking energy prices and estimated seasonal needs.

Look for efficiencies. Walk around your house and look for places where air could be escaping or getting in. Windows and door frames are easy opportunities to find energy efficiencies. Depending on the gap there are different products available such as caulking or foam stripping to plug up holes and remove escape points for warm and/or cool air. Some energy efficiencies may be more expensive.

Finally, it’s important you have scheduled routine services for your HVAC and heating system components. Depending on the age of your systems, this could be an annual check-up or something more frequent. Make sure you have your maintenance and repair schedule set ahead of time. Get in touch with a pro from Dale HCS in Sonoma County to schedule your maintenance service at 707-526-5709.