Now that warmer temperatures are just around the corner in Sonoma County, it’s time to take a look at your HVAC air conditioning system before running for the upcoming warmer seasons.

Here are some common springtime issues to watch for as you go down your HVAC checklist.

Dirty, Clogged Filters

Spring is a really good time to change your HVAC filter.

It doesn’t take long for an air filter to become clogged with dust, pet hair/dander, pollen, and other airborne debris.

A new filter gives your AC the best possible airflow conditions and ensures a clean and highly efficient cooling system all season long.

Dusting Registers and Vents

With a duster or clean microfiber cloth, go through your home dusting all those vents and registers.

If you find a vent or register that’s especially grimy, remove it to wash with soap and warm water. Dry completely and put back into place.

Clearing Debris & Blockages

Over the wet, cooler months, it’s a given that wind and other outdoor elements left behind twigs, branches, leaves, and other dirt and debris on and around your AC unit.

Excess debris can block the fan and condenser, which prevents proper airflow.

While there are other issues that can cause airflow blockages in your AC system, a good spring cleaning of the unit is a great place to start.


If you notice any leaks coming from your AC unit, call for service. The leak could be coming from a disengaged or failing hose or refrigerant. The bottom line is that the self-contained AC unit should not be leaking. A leaking AC unit needs a professional to open up and check inside.

Additionally, if your AC unit is making loud or odd noises or giving off a foul odor while running, place a service call.

Test Run

Once everything has been dusted, cleaned, and looks to be in good order, it’s time for a test run.

Change your thermostat to the “cooling” setting and adjust the temperature until the AC system kicks in.

Run the AC for a few minutes, making sure there are no unusual sounds or odors. Also check to make sure the system is kicking out some nice cold air which should begin circulating throughout the home.

Although it’s tempting to open doors and windows when it’s nice outside, be sure everything is closed during this AC test. Remember to turn off all ceiling fans so you can get a true test of the AC system on its own.


You rely on your HVAC to keep you comfortable in all kinds of weather so don’t ignore any suspected issues as you check off items on your AC unit checklist this spring.

Call on the HVAC professionals at Dale HCS in Santa Rosa for the inspection, maintenance, and repair of your system for a safe, comfortable season ahead.