Summer time in Sonoma County is when your HVAC is in full swing as it tries to keep your home cool and comfortable. While it usually succeeds in this, sometimes it can run into some serious problems. Below are a few common HVAC issues your system might encounter during this season.

4 HVAC Problems to Watch Out for During the Summer

  1. Refrigerant Leaks: A frequent HVAC problem that occurs during the summer is refrigerant leaks. These are usually caused when there are small pinhole-like leaks in the coils that surround this unit’s refrigerant. Refrigerant leaks tend to occur during the summer because the air conditioner is working full-time and might become overwhelmed with the constant demand for cool air.
    You can tell if you have a refrigerant leak by checking a few things. The first is listening carefully when it’s running. If you hear hissing or gurgling sounds, there’s probably a leak. Another way is to test the coolness of the air. If you feel that your home’s air quality is suddenly very humid and stuffy, you might have a problem.
  2. Poor Indoor Air Quality: HVACs are designed to filter through the air to provide your home with clean air to breathe in. Because hot summer days require the HVAC to work a bit harder, you might find that the indoor air quality isn’t good. If the HVAC isn’t functioning correctly, your home will more than likely have very dry air that’s mixed with allergens.
  3. Electrical Damage Due to Overheating: Some HVACs, especially if they are older models, can overheat easily due to soaring temperatures. This can result in major electrical damage. When your air conditioner runs during the summer, it can exceed its normal temperatures either because the compressor is overworking, the vents are blocked, or there are corroded electrical lines. If one of these problems is present, it will cause the device to overheat and eventually break.
  4. Vegetation Growth: Plants thrive in the summer. If you don’t keep the area around your outdoor HVAC unit free from these weeds and flowers, they could grow into the unit. While one or two leaves aren’t going to cause a problem, if the plant continues to grow, it could wrap itself around the motor and coils. This can end up making it difficult for the unit to filter through the heat inside resulting in it malfunctioning.

HVAC helps keep you cool during the summer, but they can sometimes stop working correctly due to excessive heat, invasive plants or other issues. If you’re concerned that your HVAC might not be working properly or just want to prepare it for the warm summer days ahead, call Dale HSC. We’ll be able to help you find the source of any HVAC problem and do check-ups to make sure your unit keeps you comfortable.