Now that spring is here, the level of pollutants, dust and allergens coming into your home increases and it’s an excellent time to inspect your HVAC system and change the air filters.

Frequent changing of the filters helps keep your HVAC system running efficiently in addition to filtering out dust and other airborne pollutants that affect the air quality in your home. A good air filter can also enhance the performance of air purifiers you may use along with your HVAC system.

When it comes to choosing the best filter for your HVAC and air purification systems, is one better than another?

Read on to find out the difference between two of the most popular choices for cleaner air, the MERV and HEPA air filters.

MERV Filters

MERV, or Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value, filters measure the efficiency of the air filter by a rating system. The MERV rating ranges from 1 to 16, with 16 being the highest and most efficient filter. The higher the MERV rating, the more efficient it is at trapping airborne pollutants.

While MERV air filters are capable of trapping big air particles holding pollutants and contaminants, they are also capable of trapping smaller air pollutants. MERV filters can trap small air particles from 0.3 to 10 microns in diameter.

HEPA Filters

Another highly effective filter is the High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) air filter.

While HEPA filters aren’t rated like the MERV filters, if the MERV rating was applied, these filters would register higher than MERV filters, coming in at around a 17-20 rating.

Testing of HEPA filters has resulted in a 99.97% efficiency rate for trapping tiny air particles and pollutants of the smallest 0.3 micron in diameter size.

Many health-care facilities use HEPA filters because along with trapping very tiny air particles, they are also successful in trapping and preventing the spread of those airborne particles carrying viruses or bacteria.

Choosing the Right Air Filter

While both the MERV and HEPA air filters are good choices for cleaner air circulating through your home, it’s important to check in with an HVAC professional to decide which would be the best fit for your specific HVAC system.

Keep in mind that while everyone wants to use an air filter that traps the smallest air pollutant particles in your home, the more efficient the filter, the more work the HVAC system has to do to pass air through the filter.

This is where the advice of a professional HVAC technician is critical because you don’t want to compromise overall efficiency and lifespan of your HVAC system for the sake of a higher efficiency air filter.

Achieving the right balance is key to keep the air cleaner and the HVAC system working efficiently.


To get the right balance between running your HVAC at optimal efficiency while using the right air filter to keep your air clean, call on the experts at Dale HCS for all your HVAC inspection, recommendation and service needs.