It might be hard to believe, but fall is just around the corner. Because of this, it’s a good idea to consider prepping your HVAC for it. This post will explore some tips you can use to get it ready for the season.

HVAC Fall Checklist

Check the Compressor: The compressor moves the HVAC’s refrigerant. It’s relied heavily on during the summer because it’s what helps cool down your home.

If something’s wrong with it, the HVAC will start to malfunction. This could mess up your living space’s temperature or even drip moisture in the system causing it to break. If you notice it dripping or rusting, it’s good to have a professional look at it.

Remove Debris: You’ll also want to spend some time removing sticks, leaves, and similar items away from the outer and inner portions of the HVAC system. This also includes dust which can build up over time and wear down the machine’s sensitive pieces.

Empty the Water Panel: During the summer, your HVAC draws moisture from the air. This prevents your living space from feeling damp and developing mold. Any condensation it collects will get sent into a small water panel attached to its dehumidifier. It’s important to empty and clean it out so the water doesn’t attract mold spores or leak into nearby components.

Turn Off Your A/C: Once you notice the weather getting a bit chillier, it’s ideal to shut down your A/C. If left on, the A/C will only waste energy. This could also cause you to see a significant increase in your electric bill.

To shut down your A/C, simply go to your thermostat and look for a small switch on the side. Slide this to “off”. You should soon hear a clicking sound. This indicates that the A/C is completely deactivated.

Change the Air Filters: It’s vital to switch out the air filters. This won’t only help your HVAC run better, but can improve your home’s air quality. Most of the time, the filters are situated by the device itself or within it making them easy to identify.

Getting your HVAC ready for fall isn’t as difficult as it might sound. With this checklist, you can easily make sure your HVAC will be reliable during it.
Dale Heating and Cooling can help with getting your device ready for the season. Our professionals will meticulously inspect the device to make sure it’s functioning properly.