Summer is a favorite season for many residents in Santa Rosa, but for your HVAC unit it can be a harsh time. Not only does it have to work hard to cool your living space down, but it also needs to filter through your home’s air. This is why it’s important to ensure it’s in great condition before summer strikes. If you want to make sure your HVAC is ready, you can use the following checklist.

Do a Quick Interior and Exterior Inspection

One of the most important things to do to ensure your HVAC is running correctly is to inspect its interior and exterior. While you probably won’t be able to do an intricate examination of the unit you’ll want to look at the basic components of it. This includes making sure it turns on and off when prompted to, the ductwork is sealed, and any deteriorating caulking is fixed.

Change Out the Filters

Another thing you’ll want to do is change out the HVAC’s filters. Without new filters, your HVAC won’t be able to sort through the air well which could result in bad air quality for your home.
To remove a filter, first turn off the HVAC. You’ll then want to open up the unit’s access panels (most of which are found near the main duct) and take out the old filter. Once you do so, install the new filter, but make sure to follow the directions of the arrows on the side as these indicate the correct way to put it in.

Test Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors

You’ll also want to test your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. This way, if the HVAC happens to start leaking dangerous gases or smoking due to overheating, these detectors will instantly alert you. To test smoke detectors, simply press the detector’s center button until you hear a piercing siren. To run a carbon monoxide test, hold the “test” button on it for a few seconds. You’ll want to listen for two beeps. Once you hear them, release the button and then hold it again until you hear four beeps. If the detectors don’t do these things you either need to install new batteries or completely replace them.

Check Around Window and Door Seals

Summer brings hot, humid air that can easily sneak into your home if your windows and doors aren’t properly sealed. You check to make sure air doesn’t blow through by looking at their caulking. If it’s falling apart or missing chunks, you want to reseal it. You could also install weatherstripping around the edges of them.

By keeping this checklist in mind, you can be sure that your HVAC unit will be ready to keep you cool all summer. For a professional HVAC maintenance check, you can call Dale HSC. We will be happy to inspect your HVAC system to ensure it will keep you comfortable during this hot season.