It can be daunting to find that when you turn on the heater or air conditioner the warm or cool air it’s supposed to emit isn’t consistent. This erratic temperature change can indicate a few different problems. This article will explore some of the most common reasons behind inconsistent temperatures and how you can stop it.

4 Reasons Why Your Home’s Temperature Might Be Inconsisten

  1. Punctures in the Ductwork: A common culprit behind inconsistent home temperatures are punctures in the ductwork. These small holes can be caused by various things, including rusting pieces and animals chewing on the ducts.
  2. Inadequate Insulation: Insulation is designed to keep airflow in one place as it moves through the ductwork. If there isn’t enough of it, the air could escape.
  3. Closed Vents: Another reason your living space might be having temperature issues is because of closed vents. Vents are designed to flush air into rooms. If they are closed, the air will get trapped inside the ducts.
  4. A Dusty HVAC: If your HVAC is covered in dust, it can prevent this system from working correctly. Dust can block the interior motor that sends hot or cold air into your home. This will make it harder for the temperature to stay consistent.

How to Prevent Temperature Inconsistencies

Check Your Ductwork: It’s important to ensure that the ductwork is in place and isn’t damaged. You can do a quick inspection of it to see if there are any tears or disconnected joints.

Install Insulation: You might want to contact a professional to install new insulation around the ductwork. They will place the thick insulation around the ductwork to ensure it’s in place and to prevent possible air leaks which could lead to energy loss.

Open the Vents: Take a look around your home and make sure all the air vents are open. These can be found on the floor, ceiling, or beneath windows. By opening them up, you’ll encourage better air flow in the room.

Add a New HVAC System: If your HVAC is old or if it’s too small for the area, it could result in temperature imbalances. While it will be an investment, a new HVAC can prevent these fluctuations which could otherwise increase your energy bill or cause poor air quality.

Inconsistent home temperatures can be annoying, but there are a few ways you can prevent it. If you have this issue, consider calling Dale HCS. We offer heating and air conditioning repair services as well as ductwork fabrication in case you need to replace a faulty piece.