The best time to have work done on your A/C or heating system is when it goes bad or unexpected repairs need to be made. While no one can foresee the future, some simple steps can give you comfort knowing your summer fun won’t be stopped short by a lack of cool retreat when your A/C unit suddenly stops working. Not only can these unexpected headaches be incredibly annoying, but they can also be incredibly expensive. The best way to avoid these kinds of wallet-busting events is to stay on top of preventative maintenance. As far as HVAC is concerned, timing is everything.

The best time of year to perform any sort of routine or scheduled maintenance on your system is going to be in the spring, well in advance of the heavy workload months. A routine check-up of your system by a licensed professional is a great way to stay aware of any possible problems, and to understand what kind of repair calendar and timeline you have for every component. Schedule a check-up for your system in the early Spring months to catch any potential problems before the arise, and before the sweltering summer heat makes the problem worse than it needs to be.

The summer months are when your A/C unit is going to take the brunt of its workload. If a major replacement needs to be done the cooler winter months are best. It’s less likely to interrupt your day-to-day when you schedule any replacement or other major work during low usage months. Plan ahead and talk to a pro to make sure the job gets done right.

The last thing to note on planning your maintenance and repairs: if your budget is a little tight and you want to ensure your money is going as far as it can be sure you talk to a professional and make sure you’re getting the parts you really need. The worst thing to do is to get stuck holding on to parts you can’t use or recoup cost on.

Schedule your routine checkups for the spring, get your major work done in the winter, and take note of how your system performs during the summer. A little due diligence can go a long way in preventing big system repair bills.

To schedule an inspection, cleaning or discuss more energy-efficient HVAC system upgrades, call the qualified technicians at Dale RCS in Santa Rosa before the cold winter weather arrives.