While summer might be winding down, its heat still lingers. Most people now need to keep their A/C running well into September and early October to keep things comfortable. Because they are used so often during this time of year, they can run into serious problems. This article explores five of the most frequent A/C issues.

5 Frequent A/C Problems

  1. The Device Doesn’t Turn On: A common A/C problem is that the device doesn’t turn on. This usually indicates that its circuit breaker is broken. If you find that this happens, you can usually reset the circuit breaker. However, if this doesn’t work, it’s probably a sign that the thermostat is to blame. If the thermostat is broken, it won’t be able to relay information to the rest of the unit.
  2. It’s Making Loud Noises: If your A/C is making loud noises, especially buzzing, it’s an indicator that the machine is malfunctioning. Most of the time this is a warning sign that there’s either a missing part or the A/C is dealing with a broken compressor. You might also hear screeching sounds coming from the device. This may indicate that the fan bearings are wearing out and need to be replaced before the fan stops rotating.
  3. It Has Clogged Drains: When your device runs it will create condensation. The condensation will get sent into the A/C’s drain line. However, if the water gets clogged inside these drains it can prevent the condensation from being removed. When the A/C senses this, it will turn itself off to prevent flooding.
  4. There are Refrigerant Leaks: Refrigerant is crucial in these machines because it’s what is used to cool your home down. If you turn your A/C on and find that it’s blowing hot air or the temperature isn’t even, you might have a refrigerant leak. Most of the leaks are caused because of corroding pipes or small punctures in them.
  5. The Sensor Isn’t Working: An A/C sensor measures the temperature in a room so the device can regulate it. If this sensor breaks, it won’t be able to keep track of the temperature being blown into your home.

Air conditioners are helpful devices that keep you comfortable during the hot months of the year. If you find that your A/C shows signs of these problems or just want to give it an annual maintenance check, Dale HCS in Santa Rosa, CA can help. Our professionals will inspect the machine to ensure it’s in perfect working condition.