Energy prices are through the roof these days. People looking for ways to trim back on their budget might want to think about ways to make their home more energy efficient and cut back on those monthly energy costs. We put together a short list of the top 5 ways to make your home more energy efficient.

  1. Properly Isulate the Roof
    During cooler months you want any heat, for the most part, generated by your house to stay within your home. Blocking cold air from getting in is only part of the efficiency equation. You also want to keep warm air from escaping. Heat rises, we all know that. One of the best ways to trap heat is to insulate the top of your home, where it wants to escape. This will help get more mileage out of the energy you do have to use.
  2. Seal Windows and Doors
    Another place for heat and cool air to escape is in gaps around doors and windows on the exterior of your home. If you can see daylight around a frame, it is a good indication that it leaks – caulking or weatherstripping will take care of most of these. Replace your windows in older homes to really notice a difference.
  3. Update an Old HVAC System
    Your energy bills can see significant savings when you upgrade a dated system, particularly for the cold air you use during the hot summer months. Get one with a high Energy Star rating, and be sure to pick the one that is best suited for the size and type of home you have.
  4. Service Furnace Annually
    Professional servicing of your furnace every year can help keep your equipment in top running order – especially if you’ve had a new high-efficiency furnace installed. These furnaces use less energy, but you can also make older models more efficient with the proper care and attention.
  5. Clean Lint Build Up on Large Appliences
    Household appliances like refrigerators and clothes dryers can get clogged up with dust. This makes the motor work harder and use more energy. Vacuum up and clean the exhaust and motor areas thoroughly.

If you’re looking for ways to cut back a bit on some monthly expenses, ensure your home is as energy efficient as it can be is a great way to get the most mileage out of the energy you do buy. Try some of these tips and get in touch with a pro to learn more about efficiencies specific to your property today.

To schedule an inspection, cleaning or discuss more energy-efficient HVAC system upgrades, call the qualified technicians at Dale RCS in Santa Rosa before the cold weather arrives.