A heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system (HVAC) is vital in homes because it helps regulate its temperature. Thanks to this, it can make your living space a more comfortable place to be in. But, over time you might need to have it replaced. This post will explain more about the different models available and how you can find the best one for your needs.

Types of HVACs

You might be surprised to learn that HVAC systems come in four different designs.

Duct-Free: While one of the more expensive options, this HVAC tends to work the best because it can be customized to a specific room.
Rather than connecting to ductwork, this selection uses a small box that attaches to the wall and is then fastened to a nearby connector. Once installed, you can adjust the space’s temperature according to your preferences. This design also saves money because it doesn’t use as much energy.

Split: Split HVACs are the most traditional models. The split HVAC contains both a heating and a cooling system. Because of its size, it’s often placed in basements or attics.
This type isn’t always the most energy-efficient, but it does have special settings to help filter air and reduce indoor humidity.

Hybrid: This appliance is similar to a split one but tends to be more eco-friendly. This ensures it doesn’t waste energy which can help you save money.
You’ll also notice that hybrid HVACs can switch between electric and gas power. This way, you can choose which is best for your current situation.

Packaged Heat and Air: A packaged heat and air HVAC is used to both cool and heat your home. While it mainly uses electricity to run, it can also be connected to gas sources. As with split models, this one is typically placed in attics.

5 Details to Look For

Besides the composition of the HVAC, you’ll want to look at a few other characteristics. Here are five to check for.

  • If its thermostat is customizable
  • If it contains a zoning system
  • If there’s a variable speed motor
  • Its refrigerant needs
  • Its air filter requirements

Figuring out the right HVAC system can be difficult, but with these tips, you can easily determine the perfect one. If you still have questions about them or would like to have yours replaced, contact Dale HCS in Santa Rosa. Our experts will be happy to discuss this crucial system and which might be the right pick for your living space.