Leaves in ductwork? It might seem like a strange issue but it’s a frequent one that can mess this system up. Below you’ll learn more about how leaves affect ductwork and the best ways to prevent this problem.

How Do Leaves Enter Ductwork?

As your HVAC runs, sometimes leaves can get sucked into an outer PVC pipe, fan, or grille. They’ll either get stuck inside these components or get pushed further into the HVAC system and its connected ductwork.

How They Can Damage Ductwork

Leaves can clog ductwork making it difficult for adequate air flow. Besides this, they can harbor mold, like Cladosporium and Aspergillus. This could encourage spores to collect inside the ductwork and eventually contaminate your living space’s air.

4 Ways to Prevent Leaves in Your Ductwork

Clean Around Outdoor Vents: One of the best methods for preventing leaves in your ductwork is to consistently clean around outdoor vents and HVAC pieces. To do this, you can simply use a leaf blower to remove them or brush them away with a rake.

Check for Openings: You might also want to spend time inspecting the area around any HVAC system. If there are cracks, punctures, or openings, they could invite leaves and similar debris to sneak in. If you notice any, make sure to seal them. You can use caulking or foil tape to do so.

Trim Nearby Branches: If your HVAC rests beneath tree branches it might be worthwhile to trim them. If they hang over this system, their leaves can easily fall into it. You don’t have to cut the entire branch but enough so that it’s not near the area.

Add a Leaf Guard to Your A/C: Most homes have an outer A/C unit that connects to ductwork indoors. This device has large openings in its grille that leaves can fall into. A leaf guard creates a protective layer over this section to stop leaves and twigs from getting caught inside. You’ll notice this won’t only stop leaves from getting in, but can prolong the life of your A/C because it prevents stuck debris from overwhelming its compressor.

It might not seem like leaves could damage your ductwork but they can. If you’re concerned you might have some in yours or would just like to have it inspected, Dale HCS in Santa Rosa can help. Our team is equipped with high-tech tools to ensure your ductwork stays clean and durable.