Fall is a favorite month for many thanks to its stunning colors and cooler weather. To prepare your home for this temperature adjustment, it’s important to ensure your heater is functioning correctly. Below are a few ways you can prepare your residence’s heater for this season.

Replace the Filter

One way to prepare your heater for fall is to replace its filter. The filter is designed to improve airflow through your home. If the filter is blocked, warm air will be unable to flow through. This could also cause the current filter to warp which can invite allergens and other particles to freely pass into your home.

To replace it, simply turn the heater off and pull the old filter out. Then, take your new filter and place it inside the heater. Make sure though to follow the arrows on the side of the filter. This will indicate the correct way to put it in.

Seal Air Leaks

If you have small crevices in your home, it can cause hot air to escape. This will not only prevent your home from being properly heated, but can make the heater overwork. Because of this, spend some time looking for these openings and sealing them. If you find air leaks, take some weather stripping and tape it over the area. You can also caulk the spot.

Wipe Down the Vents

Another thing you’ll want to do is wipe down the heater’s vents. This will remove dust and dirt that could clog the heater. In addition to this, it will increase airflow which will encourage more heat to pass through.

To wash them, take a clean rag and dip it into warm soapy water. Then, pull the vent out and use the rag to clean it. Once you’re done, dry it off and put it back.

If you want to do a deep cleaning, grab a vacuum and use its hose to remove particles inside the duct opening before putting the vent back on.

Have it Checked by a Professional

To ensure your heater is functioning correctly, it might be beneficial to call in a professional. During their inspection, the technician will examine and adjust a few things if needed. This includes checking the heat exchanger, investigating the burners, ensuring all connections are secure, and making sure the thermostat is calibrated correctly.

It’s important to make sure your heater is working so it keeps your home comfortable during the cooler months of the year. In Sonoma County, Dale HCS can help by sending out professionals who will take a look at your heater and fix any problems that might appear.