It’s not always clear when it’s time to replace HVAC equipment. Sometimes a replacement is forced upon you due to equipment failure or something else causing a necessary repair. It’s a good idea to keep the costs and benefits of HVAC system replacement in mind whenever you’re thinking about how to respond to a system repair or failure.

How do you weigh the costs and benefits of HVAC replacement? It’s a bit more complicated than you might think. We summed up some of the major considerations you should make. You should ensure you’re doing all the research and homework you need before making such a big purchase, though. Reach out to a local Sonoma County HVAC professional service tech at 707-526-5709 if you want us to walk you through any part of this process.

This is just a partial list and represents just some of the major things to think about. Make sure you’re thinking about all the elements and variables that are applicable to your situation.

The first thing to keep in mind is there are two different types of costs: upfront fixed costs, and variable long-term costs. Upfront fixed costs include installation costs, the purchase of the unit, and any costs associated with getting the unit up and running. These are different from variable long-term costs, such as costs of future repairs, energy usage each month, and other sources of possible costs. There is often a tradeoff between the two: higher-efficiency units are often a bit more expensive upfront, etc.

On the benefits side of the equation, there are also both short and long-term benefits to consider. In the short-term, certain units or models might have deals or rebates that make purchase prices much more palatable. Long-term benefits of replacing older units are often a noticeable boost to efficiency and quality of service. Maintenance costs are often lower on newer, more efficient models.

Costs to refill refrigerants vary based on the model. Older models often use freon (R22), which will run at least $180 just for the refrigerant alone. Newer models might be a bit less expensive. Either way, the cost of refrigerant has been skyrocketing lately, making efficiency a premium to consider.

The decision to replace your HVAC unit is a big one. Make sure you’re thinking about all the variables specific to you and your property. Give Dale HCS a call and we’ll walk you through the whole process.