Warm weather is arriving which means your heater is no longer needed. Many times though, homeowners neglect to turn this device off. However, it’s important to do so for a few reasons. This post will explore more about why this is necessary and how you can shut it down.

Do I Need to Turn My Heater Off?

It might seem like keeping your heater on won’t cause problems, but it can. While the device won’t be running during the warmer months, it still is collecting energy. This can waste electricity and increase your energy bill despite you not using it.

Turning your heater off in the spring will also prevent it from leaking heat. This way, you can easily maintain your home’s temperature during it.

How to Turn Off Your Heater

Turn the Thermostat Off: The first thing you’ll need to do is turn your thermostat off. For most appliances, there is a small switch on the bottom that indicates where you can do so. You’ll want to wait a few seconds after turning it off. You should hear a clicking sound that indicates the heater has shut itself down.

Inspect the Pilot Light: If your heater has a pilot light, you’ll need to turn it off as well. This light is a small flame that continuously runs and ignites your heater or furnace when you turn it on. To do this, you’ll need to switch a small valve on your gas line. This step can be tricky though, so it might be ideal to contact a professional to help you or PG&E in Sonoma County.

My Heater Still Won’t Shut Off

In some cases, a heater might not turn itself off even though you’ve followed the steps correctly. This can be due to a few things. One is that its filters are blocked. If it’s unable to get fresh air circulating through it, the device could malfunction and not get the message that it needs to shut down.

This issue could also be due to your thermostat. If there’s a disconnection between the two devices, the heater won’t turn off. This could be due to a broken coil or because the thermostat is set to auto.

Turning your heater off is important if you want to prevent wasting energy and money. If you have questions or need assistance shutting it down, contact Dale HCS. We’ll send our experts out to help you and also give a quick inspection of the device to ensure there aren’t hidden problems.