It’s the start of a new year and no better time to check off the items on your HVAC maintenance list.

Here are some things to check for and take care of right away in January.

Change Air Filters

Since it’s pretty common for homeowners to spend more time at home over the holidays since kids are out of school, it’s time to squeeze in those last minute vacation days, plus holiday parties and guests, your furnace may have been running more than usual each day.

The easiest way to maintain your furnace is to change the air filter regularly, or every one to three months.

If you change the air filter now, it will be easier to remember that you last changed it at the beginning of the new year, making it even easier to stay on schedule.

Inspect the Registers and Vents

With increased furnace usage comes dirtier registers and vents.

To inspect them, turn the furnace on and while it’s running, shine a flashlight inside to look for obvious signs of extra dirt, dust, or debris. Registers and vents are easy to clean with a wet cloth then dry once cleaned.

However, if you spot dust or debris coming out of the vent, it’s an indicator that there may be a clog or blockage located somewhere in the ducts.

You can also check all the registers for proper airflow. If you find a vent that is not blowing air, it’s another indication that there may be a blockage somewhere in the duct system.

If you think there may be a blockage in the ductwork or are not sure, call your local HVAC contractor to schedule an inspection and possible cleaning.

To clarify the difference between a register and a vent, air flow can be adjusted on the register by opening or closing the damper, found in most cases at the bottom of the register. The vent covers and protects the duct but does not have a damper and cannot control the amount of air flow.

Thermostat Check

With all the chaos the holidays tend to bring, it’s possible that the settings on your thermostat have been changed. Once the holidays are over and things settle down, take a few moments to check the thermostat settings and reset if needed.


Reach out to the HVAC professionals at Dale HCS for help with all your HVAC service or maintenance needs in this new year.

We are ready to schedule appointments to check and clean the register and vents, check for blockages or other duct obstructions, and take a quick peek at your thermostat.

As always, our service technicians are here to help with any questions or unexpected emergency service repairs.