With all the things you do to host the perfect holiday gathering and make sure all your guests are comfortable, the last thing on your mind is probably your HVAC system.

Nothing could ruin your holiday get together faster than having a problem with or breakdown of your HVAC system.

The good news is that there’s still time to check off these HVAC care tips before the holidays are here.

Schedule a Service Appointment

If you’re overdue for cleaning or maintenance, now is the time to schedule an appointment.

A clean HVAC system reduces the amount of dust, dirt and debris from going airborne or gathering around the home.

It’s also nice to know the system has been thoroughly checked and you can enjoy the holidays without the risk of a malfunctioning furnace.

Test Run

Before the guests head over, turn on your furnace and let it run.

A test run gives you a chance to listen for any unusual knocks or noises, and make sure everything is in working order.

A test run also eliminates any odors from dirt and dust that’s accumulated while the furnace was sitting dormant.

Keep Temperatures Set Low

As you fire up the oven to bake those traditional holiday dishes, in addition to having a houseful of guests, the temperature in your home will automatically be warmer than usual without much help from your furnace.

Keeping temperatures at right around 66 to 68 degrees should keep holiday guests comfortable without anyone overheating or getting too cold.

Keep your eye on guests who happen to open windows or doors to let cool air inside while the furnace is running, which will just make the furnace keep kicking in.

It’s easier to keep things a bit cooler inside than to try to juggle a balancing act between forced and fresh air.

Energy Savings for the Cooler Season

Once your HVAC system has been checked, cleaned and any parts have been replaced, you can ease through the holidays and rest of the cooler months ahead.

When everything is cleaned and tuned up, your furnace will run more efficiently which will save money on your monthly energy bills.

Our Holiday Safety Tips

Remember that running the furnace tends to dry out the air inside your home, more so without the help of a humidifier.

The dry air causes live holiday trees and wreaths to become very dry even with consistent watering. Trees lose their needles and most importantly, become flammable fire hazards.

Please be safe this holiday season:

  • Move burning candles and any hot-running appliances a safe distance of at least 3’ away from your tree.
  • Never leave areas with running appliances or burning candles


Don’t forget to check on your HVAC system before ringing in the holidays.

In Santa Rosa, Dale HCS is here to expertly manage all your HVAC maintenance and service needs.

Have a safe, warm and happy holiday season!