While prices of just about everything continue to rise, it’s good to know there are things you can do to keep your energy bills down.

When temperatures get uncomfortably hot and sticky, there are options to keep your home cool and comfortable without spending a fortune.

Invest in a Programmable Thermostat

A programmable thermostat can be set up to automatically adjust to preset temperatures.

It saves you from manually adjusting the thermostat up or down, which may result in bigger, energy-eating temperature swings. It also saves wear and tear on your AC unit.

Don’t Cool an Empty Home

If you’ll be away from home for an extended period of time, either turn the air off completely or turn the thermostat up a few degrees.

An automated thermostat set remotely is a good option to cool the house down before you get back home.

Turn Up the Thermostat

Set your thermostat one or two degrees higher. You can keep your home comfortably cool without using the extra energy it takes to keep it bordering on cold.

Save Some Routine Chores for Nighttime

Wait until temperatures cool down in the evening before running your clothes dryer or dishwasher.

A clothes dryer heats up the house fast, especially on hot days.

Running the dishwasher at night when energy demands are lower can help save you money.

Grill Out

Turning on the oven and even basic cooking indoors can heat the house up quickly.

Grilling outdoors keeps the heat outside and makes for great summer meals. Grill extra food to heat up in the microwave later to save cooking time and avoid using the oven or stove.

On rainy days, smokeless, indoor grills work nicely, too.

HVAC Routine Maintenance

Scheduling regular inspections and maintenance of your furnace, AC unit, thermostat and ducts can save you money in several ways:

  • Identifies worn parts or problems before system needs more serious, costly repairs or breaks down completely.
  • A cleaner HVAC system runs more efficiently, using less energy.
  • A clean HVAC system and ducts provide better air quality throughout the home.

HVAC System Upgrade

Although the up-front investment may be pricey, a high quality, professionally-installed HVAC system can dramatically reduce energy consumption and bills.

If you have an older system, you may be spending more per year to keep up with the energy demands it takes to keep your home at consistently comfortable temperatures.


Along with keeping doors and windows closed on hot, humid days and taking advantage of closed blinds to keep the sun from heating things up inside, smart energy sense will save you more than a few cents on your monthly energy bills.

To schedule an inspection, cleaning or discuss more energy-efficient HVAC system upgrades, call the qualified technicians at Dale RCS in Santa Rosa before the hot weather arrives.