One of the most important and expensive investments you make as a homeowner is in your HVAC system.

It pays to keep your system clean and schedule regular maintenance and service appointments to keep things in check, running efficiently and nip any more serious and costly issues in the bud.

Before the hot weather kicks in and it may take longer for an HVAC technician to respond to an emergency service call, take the time now to identify and fix some of the most common problems you may have with your HVAC system.

Dirty Air Filters

If your HVAC system is running with dirty filters, airflow is drastically restricted and causes your entire system to work that much harder to support comfortable temperatures throughout the home.

Dirty filters can result in added wear and tear on the system, dirtier/dustier air circulating throughout your home, overheating and strain on internal components. Be sure to change filters every six months.

Check the Thermostat

One of the oftentimes overlooked things to check if the furnace or air conditioning isn’t running right is the thermostat.

It may simply need to be reset, re-programmed or in need of new batteries.

A regular check of your home’s thermostat should be done once the weather changes from cooler to warmer and vice versa.

If the blower won’t shut off, check to see if the thermostat is set to “auto” or “fan.”

If something still seems off with your thermostat, call an HVAC technician who will do a thorough inspection and testing of your thermostat.

Pilot and Ignition Issues

A dirty or worn pilot or ignition component are things typically caught and replaced during routine maintenance.

If you notice a delay in the furnace firing up or it shuts off, it may be due to ignition issues or a pilot outage.

These issues may also be due to a problem with the gas or electrical supplies. Because issues like these deal with both electrical and gas, it can be potentially more dangerous than dealing with your HVAC system alone.

For any problems that may be due to gas or electrical supplies or components, call an HVAC professional to inspect, diagnose and safely correct the problem.

Wear and Tear

Another good reason for regular service is to check on the life and performance of all those internal moving parts.

From bearings, belts and blowers, electrical components and more, HVAC experts check and replace these things before the system breaks down or causes further damage.

General wear and tear of your HVAC system without regular maintenance can result in overheating, poor airflow or an inability to maintain comfort levels.

Overdue Maintenance

If it’s been a while since a professional technician has cleaned and serviced your HVAC system, now is the time to make the call.

Lack of regular maintenance results in poor performance, higher energy bills, costly parts/labor, uncomfortable conditions, or a complete shutdown of the system until the problem gets fixed.

So many of these potential problems can be eliminated by simply keeping regularly scheduled maintenance checks of your system by the professionals.


To ensure your HVAC is delivering optimal performance, comfort and to avoid costly repairs down the road, call the expert licensed technicians at Dale HCS today. We’re here to help protect and preserve your HVAC investment and comforts of home.