HVAC systems are designed to help control your home’s heating and cooling needs. This large system is made up of numerous components, including metal fabrication. Below you’ll discover more behind why it’s so important for good HVAC health and the benefits it offers.

What is Metal Fabrication?

Metal fabrication is a process that creates and molds metal pieces for a specific purpose. For HVAC systems, sheet metal is folded into tunnels to create ductwork. This helps the HVAC to both deliver and ventilate air.

To ensure that air doesn’t escape, these pieces will usually be insulated with boards. This will also prevent the fabrication from making loud noises as the air passes through.

Common HVAC Metal Fabrication Shapes

HVAC metal fabrication comes in many shapes. One of the most common is rectangular ductwork. This is one of the most used types because it can easily be hidden behind walls.
In addition to this, round ducts are regularly found in homes. They are a bit smaller than rectangular pieces but provide adequate air flow.

Sometimes oval-shaped pieces are also used. Because of its shape, it maintains a consistent internal pressure which helps to quickly transport air.

How Metal Fabrication Helps Your HVAC

Using metal fabrication is very beneficial to your HVAC system because it helps it function correctly.

  • It Encourages Better Air Flow: Metal fabrication can assist your HVAC by encouraging better air flow. It will keep its filters and airways free from debris which prevents air blockages. This way, your home only receives fresh air.
  • It Promotes Consistent Temperatures: If air leaks through your HVAC, it can cause certain rooms to feel warmer or colder than they should. This could result in the HVAC working harder to combat these fluctuating temperatures to no avail. By using metal fabrication, it seals air flowing out of the HVAC and keeps it at one consistent temperature.
  • It Increases the HVAC’s Lifespan: Another benefit of metal fabrication is that it can prolong the HVAC’s life. These pieces will work to keep surrounding airways clean. This stops the system from being bombarded with dust and other particles that could clog it. In addition to this, metal fabrication regulates air so it keeps your HVAC from overexerting itself.

Metal fabrication is important to use to ensure your HVAC system works properly. Dale HCS in Santa Rosa, CA offers metal fabrication services that will create and install pieces specifically for your system.