Many homeowners in Sonoma County understand that air quality is crucial for good health. This article will explore why good air quality is important and three ways you can improve it to breathe in the freshest air available.

Why It’s Important to Have Good Air Quality in the Home

Good air quality in your home not only gives you clean air to breath in, but prevents quite a few health issues, including asthma. In fact, studies have shown that homes that have poor air quality tend to lead to its inhabitants suffering from headaches, dizziness, and even certain types of cancer. This is because pollutants are lingering around inside which can irritate your body and sometimes make it hard to breathe.

Three Tips to Improve Your Home’s Air Quality

  1. Watch the Humidity Levels: One way to improve your home’s air quality is to monitor its humidity levels. If your home gets too humid it can invite mold to develop. To prevent this, you’ll want to keep things somewhat cool inside and not open windows during muggy days. A hygrometer can also help you check your home’s humidity levels. This instrument will measure and record the current humidity in your living space.
  2. Change Out the Filter in Your Air Conditioner: Dirty air conditioner filters not only prevent proper air flow, but can cause mold, dust, and dirt to float through the air. By changing out the filters every few months, you’ll be able to ensure that you’re not breathing in these harmful particles. This will also help your air conditioner to work better and circulate clean air faster.
  3. Inspect Your Air Ducts and Clean if Needed: Air ducts are small tunnel-like pathways that are connected to your HVAC system and wind through your home’s interior. They are designed to help heat, cool, and filter through the air in your living space. While they don’t usually cause homeowners problems, they do need to be inspected periodically. Over time, they can become clogged with dust and similar particles which, if not removed, can float through your home’s air. Because of this, it’s important to inspect your air ducts or hire a professional to do so.

It’s crucial to monitor your home’s air quality if you want to prevent potentially serious health issues. Dale HSC can help with ensuring you have the best air quality available by running tests and recommending ways you can improve it. Call today to learn more.