The day will come when it’s time to decide whether to keep repairing or replace your HVAC system. It’s not an easy decision and there are several factors to consider before making a final decision.

To make your decision easier, consider these factors:

Age of the System

After years of use, an HVAC system will ultimately hit its expiration date. As for how long you can project your system to last, it depends on the type of system, how long its been in use and how well it’s been maintained.

Costs for Repair and Downtime

If your system is constantly on the blink or there is an ever-increasing number of problems with it, figure out how much the service calls, parts, labor and inconvenience are costing you.

Higher Energy Bills

In addition to the costs for service calls and replacement parts, take a hard look at the cost of your monthly energy bills. Don’t be surprised if they begin to increase and sometimes, by a considerable amount of money per month.

System Not Running at Maximum Efficiency

When your HVAC system kicks in more often and runs for longer periods of time, you know it’s working harder and less efficiently to keep temperatures at a comfortable level in your home. When the system has to work harder and longer, it uses a greater amount of energy to keep up with the demands.

You may also begin to notice noises that sound like something in the system might be failing or breaking down. Anytime you hear knocking, buzzing, grinding or any other new, loud or unusual noise, it’s time to call in an HVAC professional for an inspection.

If you smell a burning or musty odor coming from the system, it’s also time to call for an inspection.

Decrease in Comfort

Newer HVAC models do a better job at keeping the air quality better in your home. If your home is noticeably dustier even after keeping up with filter changes, your air quality may be compromised.

Plans to Stay or Move

A big factor as to whether or not to replace your HVAC system is how long you intend to stay in your home.

If a move is in the foreseeable future, you may not want to make the investment of a new system.

On the other hand, upgrading the HVAC system is a huge selling perk when listing your home. Potential buyers will appreciate the fact that there is a new, efficient HVAC system in the home.

Hopefully, these factors will help you come to a decision as to whether or not it’s time for a new HVAC system.

If you still need repairs or it’s time to upgrade, in Santa Rosa contact Dale HCS for a thorough inspection and evaluation of your current HVAC system. We’re here to help with all of your HVAC needs.