A duel-fuel system combines an electric heat pump and gas furnace together and switches between it depending on various conditions. This makes it a very versatile HVAC component. This article will explore more behind what a dual-fuel system is and the benefits it offers.

How Does a Dual-Fuel System Work?

A dual-fuel system will first turn on your heat pump so its fans and compressor start. As it begins to warm up, the compressor will draw refrigerant into the heat pump to either heat or cool down a room. However, if the heat pump is currently working on keeping a certain room warm or cool, the dual-fuel system will turn to the furnace to assist with this task. The furnace will prevent the heat pump from being bombarded with cold air, something which can make it lose energy. Once the furnace senses the heat pump can control heating or cooling the air again it will automatically turn off.[1]

Does My Home Already Have a Dual-Fuel System?

If you’re curious as to whether your home already uses a dual-fuel system, you can check inside the box that contains your home’s HVAC controls. Write down the model number you find inside it and then type in this number online. This will usually bring you search results that inform you whether or not this type of system is already installed.

Benefits of Using One

There are plenty of benefits that come with using a dual-fuel system.

  • It’s Energy-Efficient: One heating system has a lot of work to do. If it starts to become overwhelmed, this can burn out its motor and coils. By switching between two different heating systems, it will help to quickly keep your home warm or cool without causing your electric bill to skyrocket.
  • It’s Versatile: Another benefit is that a dual-fuel system is versatile. Both the heat pump and furnace will work together to ensure that your home has a comfortable temperature year-round.
  • It’s Eco-Friendly: You’ll also find that this system is very eco-friendly. Not only will it use less energy, but it conserves gas and electricity.
  • You Can Alternate the Heating Source: A duel-fuel system allows you to manually alternate between whether you want the heat pump or furnace to run. This gives you the opportunity to switch to the one that best fits your needs.

A dual-fuel system can be very helpful when it comes to making sure your home has enough heat or cool air. Homeowners interested in having one installed in their living space can contact Dale HSC. We’ll send a team out to install the right system so your home stays comfortable.