In almost every appliance you own, you’ll find a touch of refrigerant in it. While commonly used, not much is generally known about it. This post will explain more about what refrigerant is and some other interesting facts about it.

What is Refrigerant?

Refrigerants are used in appliances to help keep things cool. Depending on the device, it will either be added as a liquid or gas. When activated, it will absorb surrounding heat and cool it. This way, it doesn’t get too warm and can naturally chill the devices.

To ensure it works to its fullest potential, this substance will often be combined with compressors and evaporators to speed up the cooling process.

How Refrigerant Works

To begin, the material will absorb the heat around it and convert it into a high-pressure liquid. The next process will depend on the appliance it’s in. For instance, if the refrigerant is inside a fridge, it will automatically release the cool air. On the other hand, if it’s within an HVAC or air conditioner, evaporators and fans are needed to blow the chilled air out.

Is Refrigerant Dangerous?

This substance can be dangerous in some cases. If exposed in its natural state, it could cut off your oxygen supply. This can make it harder for you to breathe and could cause dizziness. If you inhale too much, it could also prove to be fatal.

However, this is usually if you breathe in an excessive amount for a long time. But, you still need to be cautious around it.

Do I Need to Replace Refrigerant?

In most cases, you’ll never need to replace this material unless it’s actually oozing out. Many people are often surprised to hear this, but once the liquid is inside the appliance it rarely needs to be touched.

Still, you’ll want to watch out for signs of leaks. If not caught in time, they can contaminate the area they touch and can ruin your HVAC. Some things to watch out for are:\

  • Temperature fluctuations
  • High energy bills
  • Ice chunks on the evaporator
  • Poor airflow

If you notice these issues, it’s crucial to immediately contact a technician.

Refrigerant is an important component in many devices, including air conditioners. If you’d like to learn more about it or think one of your appliances is leaking it, in Sonoma County contact Dale HCS. Our trained professionals will be happy to answer any concerns you might have.