If you’re a pet owner you probably already know the struggles of making sure your home is clean from pet hair and allergens. While vacuuming can help, you might be surprised to learn that your HVAC does as well. Because of this, it’s important to keep it in good working condition. Below you’ll find a few tips you can use to help ensure it performs well.

Five HVAC Maintenance Tips for Pet Owners

  1. Be Consistent With Pet Grooming: A great way to help prevent your HVAC system from being overloaded with pet hair and allergens is to be consistent with pet grooming. Over time, pet hair can collect in the HVAC’s filters. If your pet tends to shed a lot, this can overwhelm the HVAC system and cause it to recirculate pet hair and dander through your home. Consistently grooming your pet prevents an excessive amount of fur from entering the HVAC system.
  2. Wash Floor Vents: Many pets (especially during the summer) enjoy resting on floor vents. However, this can suck in their fur and send it through the HVAC system. You’ll want to wash these vents off every so often so fur and dirt are removed from them. You can do this by taking a clean towel and scrubbing them off with soap and warm water.
  3. Regularly Clean Out Filters: If your home’s filters are clogged with pet hair or dander, it will make it harder for your HVAC to run. You’ll want to make sure to regularly clean and replace the filters. Ideally, you should install a new one every 90 days.
  4. Run an Air Purifier: An air purifier can reduce the work your HVAC system has to do. This device filters through the air drawing out dander, fur, mold spores, and other allergens your pet might bring into your home. It can help prevent the HVAC system from overworking by reducing harmful particles in the air.
  5. Block Off Areas Near Your HVAC System: Pets can be very curious and could try to chew or pull on things they shouldn’t. If they do, it could cause your HVAC system to break or could result in electrocution. To prevent this, put up barriers around visible wires and machinery that your pet might try to get into.

Owning a pet can be a great experience, but your furry friend can surprisingly cause problems with your HVAC system. In Sonoma County, Dale HCS can help with any HVAC issues you might be having and give you some tips as to how you can extend this system’s lifespan.